Eliminate pain
and get back to life.


We are currently undergoing an exciting transition to Functional Patterns Chattanooga. Stay tuned!


Spencer was living in chronic pain for over 5 years, trying every therapy possible without relief. Within the first few months of Functional Patterns training, he had a significant reduction in pain. He is now 100% pain-free and experiencing life to the fullest. 

Pain Elimination, Functional Movement, Posture Correction, and Private Strength and Personal Training in Chattanooga, TN | Primastrong

I've stretched, tried chiropractic, worked with physical therapists, had MRIs... so why am I still in pain?

Unfortunately, this is the story we hear all the time.

"I've tried it all, been to every specialist, spent tens of thousands of dollars, only to find temporary relief."

At Primastrong, we are not in the business of band-aid treatments - we are here to provide long-term solutions that get to the root of your pain problems. 


Shane came to me with chronic pain in his back that was impacting all areas of his life. We've been working together using Functional Patterns techniques to undo his dysfunctions. He now lives a life where pain is no longer holding him back. 

What types of pain do we help with?

  • Any type of joint pain (from the feet to the head)
  • Pain due to scoliosis (and we aim to decrease scoliosis)
  • Pain due to disc herniations or bulges
  • Pain due to spondylolisthesis or retrolisthesis
  • Pain and dysfunction due to spinal cord injury
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Muscular pain (chronic or acute)
  • Sciatica
  • Tendonitis
  • Structural issues such as pectus excavatum
  • Hypermobility and connective tissue disorders such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

We also help with movement issues such as:

  • Gait impairment
  • Post-stroke rehab
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Post-surgical joint rehab


Along with reports of "feeling" or performing better, we use objective results to measure progress in our clients. We aim to see improvements that display the building of robust individuals that can remain pain-free through all their activities, daily and recreational.



Functional Patterns

Functional Patterns is a training methodology that was founded in 2006 by CEO Naudi Aguilar. The system was designed to respect the natural biomechanics of a human in order to eliminate pain and improve athletic ability. We prioritize training humans according to their biological movement characteristics: Standing, Walking, Running, and Throwing — The “FP Big 4”. By optimizing these four human functions, achieving better health is not a gamble, but an inevitability. This is what it means to train Functional Patterns!

Through years of ingraining poor movement patterns into our lives (e.g. excessive sitting, lack of walking, traditional lifting) and dealing with chronic stress patterns, most humans have lost the ability to use their body according to this natural design. When these biomechanical patterns are lost, the result is pain, loss of energy, loss of muscle, loss of performance, and poor stress tolerance.

Using Functional Patterns training we can optimize these primary human movement patterns to build better health.

For more information on Functional Patterns visit www.functionalpatterns.com

Functional Movement, Posture Correction, and Private Strength and Fitness Training in Chattanooga, TN | Primastrong

2310 Vance Ave, #104
Chattanooga, TN


Email: primastrong@gmail.com
Phone: +1 (423) 260-4411